Tuesday, May 13, 2014




-Log is already updated and posted on the right hand side of my blog as "Mentorship Log"
Contact Name: Karla Vallejo Rodriguez
Mentorship Place: Pacific Clinics School Based Therapy. In this case: Bassett High School  


     What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
-The most important thing that I gained from this experience of mentorship had to do with basically that, experience! Thanks to mentorship I was able to get a taste of how it would actually be to one day be a therapist. My mentor, allowed me to work with her directly as she planned, and went through with adolescents and conducted therapy. I have also gained a vital possible network through my mentor. Now if one day she lives out her dream to have a private practice then maybe one day when I'm trying to find a job when I'm out of college my mentor can possibly help me find a job. Or, if it doesn't go that way I can also possibly get a recommendation for my mentor when I try to get a job because by that time my mentor will have lots of credibility with many years of experience and possibly people that she can refer me to. All in all, my mentorship was a life changing experience.                   


     How has what you've done helped you to answer your EQ?  Please explain. 
-My mentorship has helped me answer my essential question pretty directly! For instance my EQ is "what is the best way a therapist can help an adolescent cope with stress?" and I have been working with my mentor Karla (who is a therapist) and have worked with her and high school students from bassett high school (adolescents) thus I have directly worked with the key parts of my essential question. Through my mentorship I have been able to hear real life stories about adolescents and their stress. Fore example some get stressed due to financial stability. Meanwhile others get stressed due to not being able to express their emotions because there parents aren't open minded. Thus I came up with my first answer through my mentorship because my mentor taught me how to identify the sources of stress in adolescents and explain to them how to change what they do in order to ensure a less stressful lifestyle. I have also found my answer 3 through my mentorship by hearing stores about adolescents that aren't good at expressing themselves, which they need to learn in order to release stress. In conclusion my mentorship has allowed me to work first hand with the variables of my essential question and allowed me to come up with 2 answers. 

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