Monthly Post:
Change occurs at the oddest of times for better or for worse. This month of December has been a mixed month in terms of my mentorship. For instance the "Anger Management" group and concept basically got shot down and we will no longer be going further with it (and now I need to change my EQ). However there is a form of silver lining. Now that the anger management will not be continuing my mentor spoke to me of other "projects" in which her and I can begin.
We have been talking about a potential LGBTQ group. In case there are people who don't know, the abbreviation stands for "L"esbian, "B"isexual, "G"ay, "T"ransgender, and "Q"ueer. Here is a list that we both came up with, in which her and I will complete and compile our research together.
Find resources in the local community for LGBTQ (e.g. planned parenthood, community centers, clubs etc.) Also want to find online resources for adolescents.
Here are some of the resources I was looking for:
1) understanding attraction towards the opposite sex/ feeling comfortable with your identity
2) how to/ support for youth that are thinking about "coming out"
3) what is "coming out"?
4) common reactions of the person coming out and reactions of loved ones
5) how do I compromise between religion (parent's religious beliefs) and my true identity?
We understand obviously that this whole concept is a very delicate subject.We are not sure if this potential project will in fact develop into an actual group. For now we are in the building process by obtaining research that we need. I will continue to contribute to the research along with my mentor Karla in order to hopefully establish this group.